September 27, 2006April 16, 2021Archive Why Print Media is Dead After reading this Forum Post on Sqlspace It pretty much sums up why print media is dead.
September 27, 2006April 16, 2021Archive Time : Newspapers are dead Time Magazine is noting that Newspapers are dead. It seems hopeless. How can the newspaper industry survive the Internet? On the one hand, newspapers […]
September 25, 2006April 16, 2021Archive Editor and Publisher : Newspapers Fail because of lack of SEO We live in a Google economy, where a wealth of news and information is at our fingertips. There’s simply too much available, […]
September 21, 2006April 16, 2021Archive The Ad Agency Blank Page Syndrome The Ad Agency Blank Page SyndromeAd Agencies are faced with the ‘The Ad Agency Blank Page Syndrome ‘ a Syndrome that is […]
September 7, 2006April 16, 2021Archive Is Google a Thief? Since Google entered into the video market with the ‘video search’ on the main page, one of my clients is ranked well […]