June 27, 2008April 16, 2021Archive Hey George Parker, Enfatico wants to hire you!! As it appears, Enfatico has been hell bent on spending Dell’s money on promoting themselves… But not in Google as it appears that George […]
June 27, 2008April 16, 2021Archive American Airelines brags about their Bronze Lion With all the shit surrounding the Cannes it’s almost become a bad thing to brag about any awards given there…. well here is their […]
June 26, 2008April 16, 2021Archive Havas Dumps McKinney – Sold back to Owner Just an interesting story… They sell their Agency to a holding company… few years later.. buy it back 100% … However they […]
June 26, 2008April 16, 2021Archive Ad Agencies confused regarding ICANN domain decision Today, June 26, 2008 how advertising agencies market on the internet has changed forever for themselves and their clients… and most of […]
June 26, 2008April 16, 2021Archive Get your .sex for 100 grand (and your .agency and .ibm and .microsoft) Currently all domains names are .com, .net and .org to .gov, .edu .aero, country codes and a handful of others. If the […]