GSD&M Idea City launches new Red Cross Ad – Pro-Bono ?

We truly hope that GSD&M did this pro-bono. We donate money to the Red Cross each year… we hope that GSD&M didn’t profit from our donations that were meant to go towards the people the Red Cross helps… and not to some random ad agency…

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The American Red Cross recently launched its new national public service advertising (PSA) campaign called Change a Life, which includes print, television, radio, online, out-of-home components in both English and Spanish.

The Change a Life campaign demonstrates how lives are connected through the American Red Cross. Extensive consumer, donor and internal research informed the campaign, which was spearheaded by Austin, Texas-based advertising agency GSD&M Idea City. Idea City developed the overall campaign concepts; it also produced and delivered the print, online and out-of-home components. Silver Spring, Maryland-based Rafferty-Weiss Media produced and directed the television and radio spots.

Eight print public service advertisements feature Red Cross volunteers and staff from Dallas, Texas, and five 30-second television public service ads feature Red Cross volunteers and staff from Atlanta, Georgia, where the spots were filmed. Actress and American Red Cross National Celebrity Cabinet member Elisabeth Rohm, provided the voice over for these ads.

The American Red Cross relies on the generosity of the media to share its message with the public through donated advertising space and air time. The Red Cross has shared the Change a Life advertising materials with thousands of television and radio stations, magazines and newspapers, outdoor companies and online sites in markets throughout the United States.

“Placing Red Cross public service advertisements is a way for the media to demonstrate corporate values and to share the Red Cross message with people in America who want to give or need to get help,” said Andrea Koslow, director of national advertising for the American Red Cross.

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