What Does a Copywriter Do?

What Does a Copywriter Do?

What Does a Copywriter Do? It’s a good question. And while copywriters aren’t talked about as much as graphic designers or website programmers, they can do more to improve your marketing return on investment than almost anyone else.

So in this short blog post we’ll look at what copywriters do, and how you can use them effectively to improve your online and offline revenue.

Of course, not all copywriters are created equal. And learning exactly what your copywriter can do for you will always be a bit of a learning curve. But if you find a copywriter with a direct sales background you’re well on your way to finding someone who can do more for your business than you ever thought possible. Now let me show you what such a copywriter can do for you, and why a great copywriter is the best investment for your business.

What the Best Copywriters Can Do for You:

What Does a Copywriter Do?

Clone Your Sales Pitch: The beauty of a great copywriter is that they can help you put your sales pitch on paper. They can encapsulate your sales message in written format. While this sounds simple it is a powerful break-through that opens a ton of doors for your marketing and business growth needs.

Cloning your sales pitch allows you to take a proven script and multiply it’s effectiveness through online advertising, email marketing of even direct mail. When you clone your sales pitch you’re getting very close to explosive business growth like you’ve never seen before. And that’s only one of the things a copywriter can do for you.

Test and Optimize Your Conversions: Long before the days of online analytics, savvy business owners have been using direct response copywriters to test their offers and optimize their conversion. By using copywriters to create different versions of your sales message you can test your response.

By measuring and tweaking your approach to closing sales, your copywriter can easily help you optimize conversion and improve your close rate. While your closing ratio is likely to increase only a percent or two at a time, over the course of a couple months these changes to your sales message can drastically influence your profit margins for the positive. Are you beginning to see what a copywriter can do for you?

Scale Direct Response Response: The best copywriters can embed your business with direct response. Add calls to action in all of your emails, landing pages and social media outreach campaigns. By steeping every aspect of your business in the school of direct response, you’ll see your revenue results steadily improve.

Using a copywriter to help you scale your sales with direct response is how you get on the road to passive income. And that’s what leads to financial freedom, peace of mind and easy living.

Also read: Understanding Integrated Seo

How to Use Your Copywriter to Maximize Your Revenue:

As described above, there is a lot a copywriter can do for you. So how do you actually get started? It’s easier than you think. First, have your copywriter review all of your marketing material and get them to embed direct response offers.

Then, get them to come up with 1-2 variations of the direct response offers and measure which ones work. Finally as you get a feel for which offers are converting the best, begin to invest in new ways to distribute your tested direct response sales message (such as email marketing, or search and social media advertising). From there, it’s only a matter of time until your success exceeds your wildest dream. Seriously.

And of course, if you’re getting hung-up on finding a qualified copywriter…

You can always drop us a note. We have some of today’s most talented copywriters working for us, and helping our clients earn more money every month. Does that sound like something you could use? If so, why not get started right now?

Author: Jeff Waite